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Moving in


If the previous tenant is still living in your future home you may pick up the keys on the first day of your contract at the latest. It might be a good idea to reach out to the previous tenant to figure out the exhange of keys. The keys can only be picked up at the property maintenance.

If the apartment is unoccupied and there’s no valid agreement you may pick up your keys two days prior to the first day of your agreement. The keys can be picked up only on working days, excluding Lassila & Tikanoja (open on Monday to Saturday 9:00 – 21:00 and on Sunday 12:00 – 18:00).

If the last day of the month is on a weekend, the previous and future tenant can work together quite easily:

Tenant moving out:

• Leave one key to the property maintenance and show them the rest of the keys.
• When moving out, leave the keys on the kitchen counter on the last day of the agreement.

Tenant moving in:

• Pick up at least one key at the property maintenance on the last working day of the month.
• Move in on the first day of the agreement unless you have agreed on a different schedule with the previous tenant.
• Check that you have all the keys to the apartment.

The easiest and most convenient way of moving is finding an agreement between the previous and future tenant. Please notice that all keys must be checked in and out at the property maintenance when moving. Remember to take your personal ID with you!

If you are moving into a brand new or newly renovated apartment, you will receive the keys in a separate tenant meeting.

Problems in your apartment?

If you notice any flaws in your home, please contact your property maintenance as soon as possible.
