Laundry room
Using the laundry room at Sivakka
In Sivakka apartments, the use of the washing machine is included in the rent, i.e. it is not charged separately. Most of the properties have a laundry room, the use of which always requires a reservation in advance. In some individual condominiums rented by Sivakka, the association’s laundry room may be subject to a fee.
Laundry room opening hours and booking
The laundry room is open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., unless the residents’ committee has decided on other hours. Reservations can be made either via the online reservation system or on the spot using the laundry room reservation booklet or notice board. If an electronic booking system is used, no other booking method is possible. The website below lists the locations and booking methods of the laundry rooms by property. This list does not include properties without a laundry room, nor individual condominium buildings.
Things to consider when using washing machines
Only clothes and bed linen may be washed in washing machines – carpets may not be washed. Please also remember to be considerate of other users and to use fragrance-free detergents to avoid allergies and odour sensitivities.
Laundry rooms by property
Kodinportti |
Address | Location of laundry room |
Ampuhaukantie 2 and 10 | Ground floor of 2- and 10-buildings |
Hiirihaukantie 12 | Basement of A-building |
Hollikyydintie 5,7,8 | Basement of 7B-staircase |
Jalohaukantie 5 | Basement |
Kalliotie 16 | Ground floor |
Kalliotie 5,7 | 7 A-staircase |
Koskitie 55 | B-staircase |
Makasiinikatu 6 | Basement of B-staircase |
Myllytullinkatu 4 | Basement of C-staircase |
Myllytullinkatu 5 | Basement |
Nokikanantie 1, 3, 5 and 7 | E1-yard building |
Parsikuja 4 | Basement of A-building |
Purjehtijantie 10 | Basement of A-B-building |
Purjehtijantie 7 | Yard building |
Repolaisentie 9, Jänönkuja 2 | B-staircase |
Satamatie 23 | Basement of B-staircase |
Sihtikuja 2 | A-building |
Tuirantie 9 | A-staircase |
Tuulihaukantie 6 | C-staircase |
Valtatie 10 | B-staircase |
Vaskitie 1 | Basement |
One4All |
Address | Location of laundry room |
Jousenkaari 4,6, Vasamatie 5 | Jousenkaari 4 yard building and Vasamatie 5H-building |
Kandintie 2 | Yard building |
Kangaskontiontie 11,Kangasrinne 2 | C- and I-staircases |
Karhunruohotie 1 | Leväsuontie 21 yard building |
Keihäänkärjentie 16-17 | B-building and yard building |
Kölitie 4 | C-staircase |
Leväsuontie 21 | Yard building |
Manttaalitie 13-15 | Yard building in Manttaalitie 15 courtyard |
Paalikatu 6 | D-building |
Pilkkitie 1-2 | Yard building in Pilkkitie 1 |
Postimestarintie 12,14,15,21 | CD-/EF-/GH-staircases |
Ruiskukkatie 15 | A-staircase |
Taidonkaari 10 | End of A-building |
Tervakukkatie 20-24 | E-, G- and J-buildings |
Tervakukkatie 26 | B-C-staircase basement corridor |
Tilustie 1 and 3 | Yard building |
Vasamatie 10 | B-building |
Vasikkatie 6 | Yard building |
Reservation booklet or notice board |
Address | Location of laundry room |
Ahmankuja 2 | Yard building |
Ajopelintie 5 | A-building |
Aleksanterinkatu 44 | Basement of E-staircase |
Ansatie 3-11 | Basements of house 5 and 7-DEF |
Arvopostinkuja 6 | Yard building |
Harjapäänkatu 32 | AB-building |
Huurutie 2 | Ground floor of C-building |
Jalohaukantie 3 | 3D-staircase |
Järvitie 10 | GA-staircase, HA-staircase |
Jättikivenkatu 6 | A-staircase |
Kalervontie 2 | B-building |
Kanahaukantie 2, 4 | 4 A-building |
Kangasrinne 1 | Yard building |
Kankaantie 10 | Public shelter space (VSS) |
Kankaantie 19-21 | Yard building closest to 21 A-building |
Karvarinaukio 12 | Basement of B-staircase |
Kauppaporvarintie 15,17 | Yard building in Kauppaporvarintie 15 courtyard |
Kauppiaantie 18 | Yard building |
Keikamotie 13, Nisulantie 15 | End of D-building |
Keluveneenväylä 1 | Yard building |
Keluveneenväylä 7 | Yard building |
Ketunkuja 2 | Revontie 20 basement |
Ketunkuja 4 | Basement |
Kiilankatu 1 | A-building public shelter space (VSS) |
Kiilankatu 5 | Basement of B-building |
Kimmontie 3, 5, 7, 8 | 3A-, 5B- and 8H-staircases |
Kissankellotie 1 | Yard building between houses E and K |
Kivikkoahontie 4 | Yard building |
Kivikkoahontie 8 | C-building |
Kiviniementie 202 | End of A-building |
Kolehmaisentie 2-6 | Yard building |
Kolehmaisentie1-3, Kolehmaisenkuja 3 | Yard building |
Kujanpää 2 | B-building, public shelter space (VSS) |
Kultatie 5 | B- and D-buildings |
Kurkihirrentie 3 | Yard building in the middle of the property |
Laamannintie 11 | C-staircase |
Laamannintie 5 | Laamannintie 11, C-staircase |
Listatie 29 | End of E-building |
Lämsänjärventie 10 and 12 | Yard building at Lämsänjärventie 10 |
Maahisentie 2 | Building K, A-staircase and building I, A-staircase |
Maakotkantie 14 | AD- and EF-staircase basements |
Makasiinikatu 9 | A-building |
Melojantie 16 | Yard building |
Melojantie 5 | Melojantie 16, yard building |
Menninkäisentie 4 | BCD-staircase basement corridor |
Meritullinraitti 4 | Meritullinraitti 8, B-staircase |
Meritullinraitti 8 | B-staircase |
Metsänkuninkaantie 20 /Hukkasenkuja 2 | A-building |
Myllytullinkatu 14 | C-staircase |
Myllytullinkatu 6 | B-staircase |
Niittyarontie 9, Liisantie 4 | C-building |
Nisulantie 15 / Keikamotie 13 | Yard building |
Nummikatu 29 | Chargeable, shared with neighbouring housing association |
Nykäsenkankaantie 8-10 | Yard building |
Palhokuja 2 | Yard building |
Peltolankaari 11 | B-staircase |
Peltolankaari 17 | Peltolankaari 11, B-staircase |
Pesätie 26,30,34 | Yard building of ABC-buildings |
Poikkihuiluntie 9 | Yard building |
Puistokatu 16 | Aleksanterinkatu 44, E-basement |
Pyrytie 2 | Yard building |
Radiomastontie 2,4 | A-building |
Rautiolantie 7 | Yard building |
Rensselinkuja 7 | G-building |
Repolantie 15 | Basement |
Repolantie 18 | Yard building |
Revontie 20 | Basement |
Riimukivenkatu 6 | A-staircase |
Riimukivenkatu 8 | C- and G-staircases |
Rouskutie 7, 11 | Ground floor of C-building |
Ruiskukkatie 5-7 | D-staircase |
Sahanhoitajantie 2-4 | Yard building |
Sampantie 22 | C-building |
Sarkkisentie 1 | Yard building |
Sarvivälkkeentie 3 | Yard building |
Simppulanharjuntie 6 | Ground floor of Simppulanharjuntie 8 |
Simppulanharjuntie 8 | Between B- and C-staircases |
Simpsintie 13 | Simpsintie 7, B-staircase |
Simpsintie 7 | B-staircase |
Simpuntie 5 | Ground floor |
Talatie 14 and 16 | C-building |
Tarmontie 30 | A-staircase |
Timontie 2 | Yard building |
Torikatu 82 | C-staircase |
Tornitie 4 | Ground floor of Simppulanharjuntie 8 |
Tuohikuja 1 | End of B-building |
Tuulimyllynkatu 20, 22, 24 | Basement of 24 C |
Tykistökatu 5 | D-staircase |
Valmutie 1 | End of C-building |
Valmutie 3 | Valmutie 5, end of A-building |
Valmutie 5 | End of A-building |
Vihiluodontie 46 | Yard building |
Viklatie 12, Suokulaisentie 12 | End of D-building |
Välskärintie 2 | A-building |
Instructions of using Kodinportti & One4All booking systems
Instructions for using the One4All mobile booking system
Instructions for booking via the One4All corridor display
One4All works in a web browser at
Instructions for using Kodinportti and Kodinportaali booking systems
Kodinportaali works in a web browser at