For tenants

Shared cars

Sivakka residents have access to five Omago shared cars for their daily mobility needs. The cars are currently located at various locations at Myllytulli, Tuira and Kaukovainio. The use of the cars is charged according to the price list below.

  • Toyota Yaris (Myllytullinkatu 5, 90130 Oulu)

Hourly charge 6 € / h. Mileage charge 0,12 € / km. For bookings of more than 8 hours, a daily charge of 50 € / day. Manual gearbox.

  • Volkswagen ID.4 (Myllytullinkatu 5, 90130 Oulu)

Hourly charge 6 € / h. For bookings of more than 8 hours, a daily charge of 50 € / day. Automatic gearbox, fully electric car.

  • Ford Transit Custom, van (Tuirantie 9, 90500)
    (Photos of the van at the bottom of the page)

Hourly charge 15 € / h + 0,14 € / km or daily charge 89 € / day + 0,14 € / km. Manual gearbox. Parking space number 10.

  • Volkswagen Golf Variant (Tuirantie 9, 90500 Oulu)

Hourly charge 7 € / h. Mileage charge 0,12 € / km. For bookings of more than 8 hours, a daily charge of 60 € / day. Automatic gearbox. Parking space number 13.

  • Toyota Corolla Hybrid (Hiirihaukantie 12, 90250 Oulu)

Hourly charge 6 € / h. Mileage charge 0,12 € / km. For bookings over 8 hours, daily charge 50 € / day. Automatic transmission. Parking place no. 3.

The car is booked and activated via an app that can be downloaded to your mobile phone. To make a reservation, you need to register a free user ID in the app. If you are interested in registering as a Omago shared car user, you can find the registration instructions by logging into MySivakka. If necessary, you can also request instructions from Sivakka’s customer service (tel. 08 314 8190 weekdays 9-12 or by e-mail

If you have any questions or problems regarding the reservation, use or other aspects of your car, please contact Omago Customer Service (tel. 020 127 7799 available 24/7 or by email
