For tenants

Sauna shifts

Sauna shifts at Sivakka

Sauna shifts at Sivakka’s property saunas are booked through the reservation system. The price is €3 per reserved turn. The sauna shifts became chargeable at the end of 2023, as about half of the booked standard shifts were not used and energy was wasted.

How to book

Sauna bookings and payments are made through the booking system, either via a web browser or a mobile app. The sauna shifts are available two weeks in advance. Reservations must be made at least 12 hours before the shift. Sauna bookings are made in either Kodinportti or One4All and paid for at the time of booking. The price of a sauna shift is €3 per reserved turn. It is possible to book more than one sauna turn per week. Sauna bookings are binding and cannot be cancelled. The properties offer a free jogging sauna once a week.

What is the booking system at my property and how does it work?

You can check your property’s booking system by looking at the list at the bottom of the page. For instructions on how to use the booking system, see below.

Instructions for using the One4All mobile booking system

Instructions for booking via the One4All corridor display

One4All works in a web browser at

Instructions for using Kodinportti and Kodinportaali booking systems

Kodinportaali works in a web browser at

Booking system for sauna shifts by property

Ahmankuja 2
Aleksanterinkatu 44
Ampuhaukantie 2 ja 10
Jalohaukantie 3
Jalohaukantie 5
Jokisuuntie 1
Kalliotie 16
Kalliotie 5-7
Kanahaukantie 2,4
Ketunkuja 2
Ketunkuja 4
Kiilankatu 5
Koskitie 55
Koulukuja 12
Kultatie 5
Maakotkantie 14
Makasiininkatu 6
Menninkäisentie 3
Menninkäisentie 4
Myllymetsä 1 ja 3
Myllytullinkatu 14
Myllytullinkatu 4
Myllytullinkatu 5
Myllytullinkatu 6
Nokikanantie 1,3,5 ja 7
Parsikuja 4
Purjehtijantie 10
Purjehtijantie 7
Rantahälinpolku 2
Repolantie 15
Revontie 20
Santaholmantie 98
Satamatie 23
Simppulanharjuntie 6
Simppulanharjuntie 8
Simpsintie 13
Simpsintie 7
Simpuntie 5
Torikatu 82
Tornitie 4
Tuirantie 9
Tuulihaukantie 6
Tuulimyllynkatu 20, 22 ja 24
Valtatie 10
Vaskitie 1
Ajoporonkuja 5
Ansatie 3 – 11
Arvopostinkuja 6
Jousenkaari 4,6 ja Vasamatie 5
Järvitie 10,
Jättikivenkatu 6
Kalervontie 2
Kandintie 2
Kangaskontiontie 11, Kangasrinne 2
Karvarinaukio 12
Keihäänkärjentie 16-17
Kimmontie 3,5,7 ja 8
Kivikkoahontie 4
Kivikkoahontie 8
Kölitie 4
Leväsuontie 21
Lämsänjärventie 10 ja 12
Maahisentie 2
Manttaalintie 13-15
Nykäsenkankaantie 8-10
Pajakatu 3 ja Pikisaarentie 9
Pilkkitie 1-2
Polttimokatu 6
Postimestarintie 12,14,15 ja 21
Pursitie 4, Pikisaarentie 8
Pyssysepäntie 17
Radiomastontie 2 ja 4
Riimukivenkatu 6
Riimukivenkatu 8
Ruiskukkatie 15
Ruiskukkatie 5-7
Sahanhoitajantie 2-4
Sarkkisentie 1
Taidonkaari 10
Tarmontie 30
Tervakukkatie 20-24
Tervakukkatie 26
Tilustie 1 ja 3
Vasamatie 10
Vasikkatie 6